When you apply for a mortgage, your lender will do some quick math to figure out how much of a loan you can afford. Your lender will consider many factors, and one of the most important ones is your debt-to-income ratio. It is usually shortened to DTI, and understanding this formula can help you better understand how big of a house you can afford. An Overview Of A DTI Your DTI represents the amount of money you spend compared to the amount you make. Your lender is going to have very strict DTI requirements when deciding whether you can be approved for a mortgage. The lender wants to make sure you are not taking on a loan that you cannot afford to pay. If you cannot pay back your … [Continue Reading...]
Are you shopping around for a new house or apartment? One of the key considerations you will need to make is figuring out how much you want to invest in your new home. Below you'll find our quick and easy guide to determining just how much "house" you can afford. Let's get started! Start By Making A Proper Budget The first thing you'll want to do is sit down and get a full budget put together. The easiest way to get the process started is to begin with two lists: income and expenses. For the income list, write down the amount of money your family brings in each month after taxes. If you have side income sources or extra income that tends to fluctuate over time, use the average amount for the … [Continue Reading...]
When you are applying for a home loan, you need to make sure that you meet the minimum credit score requirements. If you decide to go with a traditional loan, the credit limit can be high, making it hard to qualify for a home loan. In contrast, you might be able to qualify for a VA home loan with a much lower credit score. What do you need to know? The VA Does Not Have A Minimum Credit Score Requirement One of the major benefits of applying for a VA home loan is that you do not need to worry about meeting a minimum credit score requirement. There is no minimum credit score you need to qualify for a VA home loan, as there are lots of factors that the lender will consider when reviewing your … [Continue Reading...]
Last week’s economic reporting was minimal due to the Labor Day Holiday. Fed Chair Jerome Powell Weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also released. Fed Chair: Rates Expected to Remain Higher Chair Powell said that interest rates will remain high for a longer than expected time as “history cautions against prematurely loosening [monetary] policy.” The Federal Reserve has a legislative mandate to maintain its target interest rate range at or near 2 percent, During a discussion at the Cato Institute, Chair Powell said that the longer inflation remains above the target rate range the more likely the public will view high inflation as normal. Chair Powell … [Continue Reading...]
There are many reasons people take out reverse mortgages. However, this option is usually considered by cash-strapped seniors who own their homes and are looking to ease the burden of their golden years. The beauty of reverse mortgages is that you'll receive money as long as you are current on property taxes and homeowners insurance. While this seems like an appealing opportunity, it's a decision that should not be made lightly. Not only is the reverse mortgage complicated in itself, but homeowners make all sorts of mistakes when they're too quick to sign the dotted line. So if you're considering one, be wary of the common pitfalls below. Buying Into A Scam With reverse mortgages becoming a … [Continue Reading...]
If you are in the process of looking for a new home, you have probably realized that there are lots of options available. It can be very difficult to decide which home is right for you, but there are several important tips you should keep in mind. They include: 1. Make A List Of Your Wants And Needs First, make a list of what you need to have and what you want to have. It is very difficult to find the perfect home, but if you have a list that allows you to prioritize what is most important, the process will get easier. 2. Consider Home Improvements Next, take a look at some of the most important home improvements that homeowners have done. Think about what matters to your lifestyle. … [Continue Reading...]