Many people are aware of the financial commitment that is involved when investing in a home, but what that amounts to is different for every person. From what you can afford to what a lender will allow, there are plenty of details involved in determining the right home for you. If you're not quite sure what the right price is, here's how to approach home ownership and determine your debt-to-income. Calculating Your Debt-To-Income Ratio You may not know what your DTI ratio is, but it has a lot to with how much home you can afford. In order to calculate this amount, add together all the debts you owe each month and divide them by your monthly pre-tax income. For example, if your credit card is … [Continue Reading...]
Many people are wondering what type of home loan is right for them, and one of the options is an ARM loan. This is an adjustable-rate mortgage. Typically, the rate is fixed for a certain amount of time, but it can change after that. Adjustable-rate mortgages will vary depending on the market. Is an ARM a smart loan option? There are some situations where an ARM loan can be helpful, but people need to be careful with them. The Risk Of An ARM Loan First, it is important to understand why ARM loans contributed to the housing crash more than a decade ago. Many people took out ARM loans to buy houses that they could not afford. For example, if an ARM loan is a 5/30 loan, this means that it … [Continue Reading...]
The real estate market has been red hot this year, with many people looking to purchase a home because of record-low interest rates. This includes younger individuals, as younger generations are interested in owning a house for the first time. The past couple of years have been anything except normal, and the housing market has taken off, with demand far exceeding supply. Why is this taking place? Record Low-Interest Rates Are Driving People Into the Market Even though there are many reasons why people are interested in purchasing a home, incredibly low-interest rates are one of the biggest reasons. Many people are interested in taking out a home loan with a 30-year term. Potential … [Continue Reading...]
The idea of embarking on home renovations may strike many homeowners as an expensive one, but there are plenty of ways that you can easily upgrade your home without spending a lot of money. If you're looking for improvements that will truly (and frugally) improve the value of your home, here are a few do-it-yourself options you may want to consider. Change The Lighting There are few small fixes that will improve the look of your home like lighting, so one of the best things you can do for the overall look of your house is change out some of your bulbs. Instead of going for a light that will look dingy or orange, choose a tone that's not too bright but will still illuminate your rooms and … [Continue Reading...]
Last week’s scheduled economic reports included readings on construction spending, the Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee statement, and the Fed Chair’s press conference. Readings on public and private-sector jobs growth and the national unemployment rate were released along with weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims. Construction Spending Slows in March, Fed Raises Key Rate Construction spending fell in March according to the Commerce Department. Spending increased by 0.10 percent as compared to the expected reading of 0.80 percent and February’s reading of 0.50 percent. Less construction spending could indicate a slowdown in building as … [Continue Reading...]
There are few things better than finding your dream home and being able to afford it, but simply because you've found the perfect place doesn't mean you should stretch the truth. It might seem tempting to polish your mortgage application a little in the hopes of making a better impression, but here are a few reasons why you should stick to the truth when signing off on your home. Your Credit History Tells All It can be tempting to bump up your salary or make some hefty deposits into your savings account. However, lenders will be taking a look at your financial history by way of your bank statements, credit report and paystubs so they're likely to discover any erroneous details. If you're not … [Continue Reading...]