Last week’s financial and economic reporting included readings from S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indices, the Federal Housing Finance Agency and the federal government reported on construction spending. Reports on public and private-sector jobs growth and the national unemployment rate were also published along with weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims. S&P Case-Shiller: Home Price Growth Expected to Slow in 2022 National home prices grew by 19.20 percent year-over-year in January as compared to December’s year-over-year pace of 18.90 percent according to the monthly S&P Case-Shiller National Home Price Index. The 20-City Home Price Index revealed … [Continue Reading...]
When you buy a home, you probably have a budget you will try to stick to. Many people choose a 30-year fixed mortgage, and by the time you pay off the home loan, you should own your home outright. At the same time, you might be thinking about paying off your mortgage more quickly to save money on interest. Even making one extra mortgage payment per year can provide a number of significant benefits. You Can Build Up Equity Faster One of the first benefits of making an extra mortgage payment every year is that you can build up equity faster. If you make an extra mortgage payment, that payment should go directly toward the principal. This means you don't have to worry about paying down any … [Continue Reading...]
Even though a lot of people have two incomes they can use to purchase a house (theirs and their partner’s), this is not necessarily required. There are lots of people who want to take advantage of current interest rates to purchase a house, and some people are trying to do it on their own. Even though it can be a challenge to buy a house with only one income, it is certainly not impossible. There are several tips that can make it easier for everyone to afford a house with just a single income. Always Check Your Credit Score If you want to buy a house on a single income, make sure you check your credit score first. Your credit score is a reflection of your financial health. The … [Continue Reading...]
U.S home prices grew at a near-record pace in January according to the National S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Index; year-over-year home prices rose by 19.20 percent in January as compared to December’s reading of 18.90 percent. Home prices rose 1.80 percent on a month-to-month basis from December to January. While home prices continued to grow at near-record rates, home price growth slowed in some areas during December but picked up in January. Craig M. Lazzara, managing director at S&P Dow Jones Indices, said: “Last fall we observed that home prices, although continuing to rise sharply, had begun to decelerate. Even that modest deceleration was on pause in … [Continue Reading...]
If you have made an offer on a house and gotten it accepted, congratulations! This is a major step, but you might be wondering how you actually pay for a house. The days of showing up to the closing table with a personal check are in the rearview mirror, as nobody wants a check for a house to bounce after the other person has already walked away with the keys. Furthermore, even if you are buying a house with cash, you certainly do not want to show up with a briefcase full of dollar bills. Here is how you will actually pay for the house. Wire Transfer To The Closing Attorney When you purchase a house, you will send the funds for the down payment and the closing costs to your closing … [Continue Reading...]
Last week’s economic reporting included a speech and press conference by Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell, data on pending home sales and sales of new homes, and the University of Michigan’s monthly reading on consumer sentiment. Weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also published. Fed Chair: Rate Hikes Above 0.25 Percent May be Needed to Ease Inflation Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell said that the Fed is willing to move beyond its recent 0.25 percent rate hike to control inflation. In a speech made to the National Business Association for Business Economics, Mr.Powell said, “We will take necessary steps to ensure a return to price … [Continue Reading...]