Many people are looking for a way to diversify their investments, and real estate investing is a popular option. Some people might be interested in short-term rental properties. What is a short-term rental property, and what are the responsibilities of property owners? Learn more about short-term rental properties to figure out if this is a solid option. An Overview Of A Short-Term Rental Property A short-term rental property is a rental property that typically has residents and renters for fewer than 12 months at a time. Many people believe that short-term rental properties are vacation homes and Airbnb-type properties; however, just about any property can be a short-term rental. This … [Continue Reading...]
If you want to save money on your mortgage, refinancing your house could be a great move. As long as you have plenty of equity and a great credit score, you should be able to qualify for the refinance process. At the same time, you might be wondering, how long will it take you to refinance your house? There are several factors to keep in mind, so be sure to work with a professional who can walk you through the process. It Usually Takes A Month Or Two In general, refinancing your home loan will take a month or two. Most refinances will be completed in 30 to 45 days, but every lender is different. It depends on how complicated your mortgage is, the other refinancing applications the lender is … [Continue Reading...]
If you want to save money on your home loan, you might want to refinance. During the refinancing process, you could secure a better interest rate on your home loan. You could also withdraw cash from your home’s equity value to cover other expenses. Similar to a regular mortgage application, some refinance applications are denied. Why is this the case, and what should you do next? Your Debt To Income Ratio Is Off One of the most common reasons why an application for a home refinance is turned down is that the applicant has too much debt. The lender will not want to refinance a homeowner who has too much existing debt. If you have credit card debt, car loans, or student loans, you … [Continue Reading...]
Last week’s economic reporting included readings on construction spending, written testimony from Fed chair Jerome Powell and data on public and private sector jobs and national unemployment. Weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also released. Fed Chair Hints at Rate Hikes in Written Testimony Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell indicated that consistent rate hikes of the Fed’s target interest rate range will likely occur throughout this year, but he said that the Fed would proceed carefully. Analysts interpreted Mr. Powell’s remarks to mean that he would limit each rate hike to 0.25 percent but could be higher depending on the pace of inflation. … [Continue Reading...]
Most people treat their dogs as members of the family. Just as moving can be difficult for children, moving can be a challenge for dogs as well. Dogs develop an attachment to their homes, and they can have a hard time adjusting to a new place. Fortunately, there are a few steps that homeowners can take to make the moving process easier for everyone involved, including dogs. Let The Dog Get Familiar With The Moving Supplies A lot of dog owners have found that it is easier to take a dog to the vet if he or she can acclimate to the carrier. The same is true with the moving process. Dogs have a difficult time understanding what is happening when the family moves. Consider giving your … [Continue Reading...]
VA mortgages stand out as one of the biggest benefits to men and women serving in the military. Although private lenders make the loan, the Department of Veterans Affairs guarantees all VA mortgages, which is why these loans come with favorable terms and benefits not found with other mortgage types. The Benefits Of Refinancing To A VA Mortgage A VA loan may very well be the borrower's only option for putting no money down, as many lenders will cover 100% of the value of the home, thanks to the backing of Veterans Affairs. There is a ceiling on the amount covered depending on the area of the country, so contacting a qualified VA mortgage professional is the preferred way to discover limits … [Continue Reading...]