Are you buying a property as your second home? Perhaps you are looking for a small cottage or apartment where you can escape to for your vacations, or maybe you want to have another home closer to your relatives? Maybe you want to rent out your second property and make a steady income from your investment. Whatever the reason, a second piece of real estate can be a fantastic investment. However, sometimes getting a mortgage on your second home can present a challenge. Generally, a mortgage lender will have tougher standards for vacation home -- or second home -- loans than primary home loans. This is because usually when you are buying a second home your finances will be stretched thinner … [Continue Reading...]
Whether you've been thinking about ways that you can draw on your home equity to fund a renovation project or you want to take advantage of low interest rates before they rise again, refinancing your mortgage is an excellent option. In today's blog post we'll introduce mortgage refinancing and discuss a few of the ways that you can use this tool to help accomplish your financial goals. Cash-In and Cash-Out Refinancing Many homeowners refinance their mortgage in order to take some of the home equity out for other purposes. In a "cash-out" refinancing, you take out a new mortgage loan which is greater in value than your current loan. After paying off the existing mortgage you'll receive a … [Continue Reading...]
When it comes to finding a new home, there are lots of complex ratios, terms, and contracts that you'll encounter - and at times, it'll feel like you're trying to navigate a minefield. Here are five mortgage terms you may not encounter regularly that you'll need to know when buying a home. Escrow: Money Held In Trust To Pay Taxes An escrow account is a bank account that your lender maintains on your behalf. When you close your mortgage, you'll need to deposit a certain percent of your annual property taxes into the escrow account, which your lender will hold in trust and use to pay your property taxes. PITI: How Your Lender Calculates Your Monthly Payments Your lender uses a specific formula … [Continue Reading...]
Last week’s economic reporting included readings from S&P Case Shiller Home Price Indices and the FHFA on home prices, data on new home sales, and the Federal Reserve’s statement on the federal interest rate range. The University of Michigan released its monthly survey on Consumer Sentiment and weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also published. S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indices: Home Price Growth Slows in November Home prices rose at a seasonally-adjusted annual pace of 18.80 percent in November according to S&P Case-Shiller’s National Home Price Index. The 20-City Home Price Index, which is frequently used by real estate pros, reported … [Continue Reading...]
S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indices reported slower home price growth in November. Rising mortgage rates and high home prices sidelined first-time and moderate-income buyers and investors who fear buying at the peak of today’s housing markets only to face lower home values when home prices cool off. November’s National Home Price Index reported a year-over-year gain of 18.80 percent in home prices year-over-year. The 20-City Home Price Index, which, real estate pros frequently use to estimate home pricing trends, reported that U.S. home prices rose 18.30 percent year-over-year in November. 20-City Home Price Index: Arizona and Florida Post Top Gains in Home Prices Home prices … [Continue Reading...]
Buying a home isn't cheap. But if you're determined to become a homeowner, the FHA home loan program can help. This loan program, ideal for first-time buyers with low incomes, can help you to build your credit and make home ownership a reality. So why should you consider an FHA loan? Here are just a few ways you'll benefit from these government-backed mortgages. You Can Get Approved With Just 3.5% Down Traditional mortgage lenders typically require you to pay 20% down on your mortgage, or 5% if you have good credit and agree to pay mortgage insurance premiums. But for a lot of younger people with lots of debt and low incomes, even a 5% down payment is an unrealistic burden. With an FHA loan, … [Continue Reading...]