When delving into the realities of home ownership, there can be many factors involved that make it difficult to determine what you need to know and what can wait until later. If you happen to be a first-time buyer who's looking for the best tips for purchasing a home, look no further than the following three pointers to set you on the right path. Get Familiar With Your Credit Score If you haven't looked at your credit report for a long time, it can be a daunting task to request this information. Fortunately, your credit report is free from AnnualCreditReport.com and it will prepare you for what lenders are going to see. By taking this important step, you will be able to determine any … [Continue Reading...]
Potential homeowners need to understand the different types of loans available. This is a major financial decision, and it is important to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of each option. The majority of home loans fall into two categories. The first is called a conforming loan and the second is called a jumbo loan. There are a few significant differences between them. How Is The Size Of A Home Loan Determined? First, it is important to understand how the size of a home loan is determined. Homebuyers usually need to put money down before they will be granted a home loan. First-time homeowners may be able to qualify for a home loan with only 3.5 percent down, but most people will be asked … [Continue Reading...]
If you're ready to buy a home, getting approved for a mortgage is a critical step that you can't skip or rush. And although it may seem like the lenders can be a bit arbitrary in their approvals, there's actually a detailed set of criteria they look for when approving or denying an application. So how can you ensure your mortgage gets approved quickly and without any hassles? Here's what you need to know. Do: Have All Your Documents In Order Right Away Processing the paperwork on a mortgage approval is one of the most time-consuming parts of getting a mortgage. And if you forget to include a form or fill something out incorrectly, it may take your lender days or weeks to sort out the … [Continue Reading...]
There is a lot of terminologies involved in the mortgage application process, and one common term people come across is a mortgage point. What exactly is a mortgage point, and how might impact the price of the loan? What Is A Point? Points represent fees due at signing. Some lenders charge points while others do not. In some cases, applicants are given the option to pay points in exchange for a rate reduction. A single point is the equivalent of one percent of the loan's value. If the home loan is $200,000, then a single point is $2,000. Origination Points And Discount Points There are two common types of mortgage points. The first is called an origination point. The second is called a … [Continue Reading...]
Last week’s economic reporting included readings from S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indices and the National Association of Realtors® released its monthly report on pending home sales. Weekly reports on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also released. S&P Case-Shiller Reports Show Slower Gains in Home Prices October home price readings from S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indices showed slower home price growth in October than for September. Nationally, October home prices rose 19.10 percent year-over-year as compared to 19.70 percent year-over-year home price growth in September. October’s reading was the fourth highest since the inception of the National Home … [Continue Reading...]
Finding a proper mortgage loan and understanding the processing procedures behind the loan is the basis of good research. The down payment on a mortgage loan is typically significant when dealing with mortgage insurance. Most loan applications with less than 20% down payment are required to include mortgage insurance with the loan. However, mortgage insurance may still be required even if it's not typically required by your lender. Underwriting Requirements Most home mortgage applications undergo a strict set of standards for approval. These standards are known as underwriting and make up the bulk of time spent on a mortgage application. Unique situations in employment or credit history may … [Continue Reading...]