Whether you're about to close on a lovely new house for your growing family or a stylish beachfront condo so you can retire close to the ocean, one thing is certain: you're going to face a variety of closing costs. Insurance, taxes, financing fees, title fees, attorney fees and other costs will need to be paid, and if you're a savvy buyer you'll do everything you can to save on them. In today's post we'll share three quick tips that can help you reduce your closing costs when you buy your next home. Tip #1: Include Closing Costs in Your Negotiations with the Seller As closing costs are a part of the real estate transaction they're an excellent item to include in your negotiations with the … [Continue Reading...]
There are many people who are interested in purchasing a home for the first time. Even though many first-time homeowners are interested in the sticker price of a home, it is just as important to consider credit scores. Anyone who requires financing to purchase a home will have to go through a credit check. What credit score is considered high enough for a home loan? What do people have to do if they want to increase their credit scores? What Credit Bureaus Do Lenders Use? First, a credit score is a reflection of someone's overall financial health. A lender wants to make sure someone has the ability to pay back a mortgage before they give that person a home loan. The higher someone's … [Continue Reading...]
Last week’s scheduled economic reporting included readings on inflation and a preliminary report on consumer sentiment. Weekly reports on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also released. Inflationary Growth Exceeds Expectations, Creates Consumer Challenges October’s inflation rate rose to its highest year-over-year pace in 31 years last week with a reading of 6.20 percent growth as compared to September's year-over-year growth rate of 5.40 percent. Inflation rose by 0.90 percent month-to-month in October as compared to September’s reading of 0.40 percent growth. Consumers paid more for essential goods including food, fuel, and transportation. October’s … [Continue Reading...]
There are many people who are thinking about refinancing their homes. For example, some people may be interested in reducing their monthly payments, while other people may be interested in tapping into the value of the home to fund a home improvement project. What is the relationship between property values and refinancing? There are several important points to keep in mind. Property Values Tend To Rise First, it is important for homeowners to understand that property values tend to rise during the life of a mortgage. For example, someone may purchase a home valued at $250,000. Then, fifteen years later, the home might be valued at $350,000. This might mean that homeowners have access … [Continue Reading...]
If you recently graduated from college and are about to become a homeowner, you're in a somewhat unique position. You're about to embark on a great journey, but at the same time, you're also taking on an awful lot of debt. That said, it is possible to successfully manage a high debt load if you're careful. So how can you make sure you can pay your mortgage, your student loans, and your mortgage expenses – all without losing your mind? Here's what you need to know. Make Sure You Have An Emergency Fund Managing a high debt load isn't necessarily a challenge if you have a consistent income stream. But if interest rates rise on your floating mortgage, if your portfolio doesn't do as well … [Continue Reading...]
It is exciting to purchase a house for the first time, but this is also a major financial decision. Therefore, potential homebuyers need to make sure they are prepared. What do potential homeowners need to know about purchasing a home for the first time? Learn more about this process below. Ask For Help From A Real Estate Agent First-time home buyers always need to ask for help from a real estate agent. A real estate agent can help someone identify potential issues with a home that might have otherwise been overlooked. A real estate agent can also make sure potential home buyers do not overpay for a home. Always Get A Pre-Approval Letter Potential home buyers also need to get a … [Continue Reading...]