When you are considering purchasing a home, understanding the lending guidelines regarding a down payment is important. Here are a few key tips to consider: Gifting of a Down Payment There are some programs that will allow you to use a gift for your home down payment. However, before you assume this, make sure you talk to your loan officer. Generally speaking, the lender will require the person making the gift to provide a letter stating the money was a gift and does not require repayment. Windfalls as a Down Payment When people hit the lottery or come into money through an inheritance, one of the first things they may consider is buying a new home. However, it is important ot keep in … [Continue Reading...]
Do you find yourself staring out the window, longing for an early sunrise, hot days and late evenings? With spring just around the corner, it might feel like summer is a lifetime away. However, the good news is that you can be productive around the home while you wait for summer to arrive. Let's take a quick look at three easy do-it-yourself projects that will keep you busy until the summer sun is shining. Add A Splash Of Spring-y Color As long as you are willing to do the prep work, painting is one of the most straightforward home improvement projects you can undertake. It is also the best way to put your own personal touch in each room in your home. If you haven't painted before, it is … [Continue Reading...]
Last week’s economic reporting included readings on home prices, inflation, and pending home sales. Weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also published. S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indices Report Slower Home Price Growth in January Home price growth cooled in January according to S&P Case-Shiller’s 20-City Home Price Index. Home prices increased by 2.50 percent year-over-year in January but rose at a slower pace than December’s reading of 4.60 percent. The FHFA Home Price Index also showed slower growth in January with year-over-year home price growth of 5.30 percent as compared to December’s home price growth rate of 6.60 percent. … [Continue Reading...]
Right now, the real estate market is very competitive, and you might be tempted to use a few white lies to make your offer seem more competitive. No matter how much you want to purchase a home, you need to make sure you are completely honest and open when you go through the process from start to finish. What or a few examples of common white lies that people tell that could jeopardize your application or your mortgage as a whole? Lying About Your Primary Residence If you plan on living in the house full-time, make sure you say so. You might get a lower interest rate if you tell the lender you are going to use the house as your primary residence. On the other hand, if you plan on renting out … [Continue Reading...]
Buying a home comes with numerous financial planning obligations. It's far from a turn-key operation and one of the significant challenges involves developing a working knowledge about things often outside your area of expertise. For example, working as an educator, police officer, investment banker or office staffer does not necessarily make you an expert about home repairs or insurance coverage. Yet, the average homeowner is tasked with carrying a certain level of homeowners insurance coverage without a strong working knowledge. Many homeowners just purchase enough insurance to cover the purchase price or take the advice of others. Both of those methods could prove wildly deficient. … [Continue Reading...]
If you've recently put your home up for sale, one of the most exciting parts of the selling process is getting an offer. However, all is not said and done once you've received an offer, as you'll probably want to negotiate a better price. If you're wondering how you can counter without losing a potential buyer, here are some tips when the time comes to negotiate. Lower Your Price (A Little) As a seller, it's important to believe in the price you've put your home on the market for, but lowering your asking price after getting an offer will tell the potential buyer that you're flexible. While you may not want to compromise too much, you'll have to move a bit to keep them interested. Pay For … [Continue Reading...]