Are you thinking about buying a new home using a mortgage loan? If you've just graduated from college, you're probably wondering how your student loans will impact a mortgage and what your options are. In today's post we'll share three things that you need to know about mortgages if you're still working on paying off your student loan debt. #1: Yes, Your Student Loan Will Affect Your Application You might as well embrace the fact that your outstanding student loan is going to cause some questions to be asked during the mortgage application process. Mortgage lenders have a responsibility to understand the risk involved in lending a significant amount of money to you. And because of this, any … [Continue Reading...]
If you are thinking about purchasing a house today, you have probably realized that mortgage rates have increased significantly. This has made it much harder for people to afford home loans, and these higher rates have had an impact on the lender’s business as well. In an effort to make it easier for people to afford a home, you might be able to access something called a buy-down loan or a buy-down mortgage. It could help you save a significant amount of money during the first few months or years of your loan. How A Buydown Mortgage Works If you decide to go with a buydown mortgage, your interest rate will be lower for a temporary period of time. For example, it might be two percent … [Continue Reading...]
So you've been pre-approved for a mortgage – great! You've taken the first step toward becoming a homeowner. But before you start picking out china patterns, you'll want to keep in mind that a pre-approval isn't the same thing as a mortgage agreement. There's still no guarantee that you'll actually get a mortgage. But why would a lender deny a mortgage after pre-approving a borrower? Here's what you need to know. Sudden Changes In Income Or Employment History A number of mortgages will require borrowers to have consistent employment for a certain length of time. If you apply for an FHA mortgage, for instance, you'll be obligated to have an employment history dating back at least two … [Continue Reading...]
Last week’s economic scheduled economic news included readings on sales of previously-owned homes, housing starts, and building permits issued. Readings on the Consumer Price Index, which tracks inflation, were also released along with weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims. Sales of previously-owned homes fall in November The National Association of Realtors® reported fewer sales of previously-owned homes in November than in October. 4.09 million previously-owned homes were sold year-over-year in November as compared to 4.43 million sales reported in October. This was the tenth consecutive month showing fewer sales of previously-owned homes. Although mortgage … [Continue Reading...]
December’s National Association of Home Builders Housing Market Index reported slipping builder confidence in U.S. housing markets. The Housing Market Index readings fell every month in 2022. Recently rising mortgage rates, materials costs, and inclement winter weather contributed to builder skepticism about current housing market conditions. December’s National Housing Market Index reading of 31 was the lowest since mid-2012 not including readings published during the pandemic. By comparison, the Housing Market Index reading for December 2021 was 84. The three indices comprising the Housing Market Index reported mixed readings in December. Current home sales decreased by … [Continue Reading...]
If your house has a tremendous amount of clutter in it, you might finally think it is time to do something about it. Now is the perfect opportunity for you to get your house organized, and you probably want to start by tackling the piles of clothing and paper in the middle of the floor. Before you jump in feet first, take a look at a few mistakes you need to avoid when organizing your home. Buying Boxes Before Assessing The Situation You might be ready to start throwing items in boxes, but you need to assess how much you have first. If you don't understand just how disorganized your house is, you will have a difficult time purchasing the right storage bins. Make sure you measure your … [Continue Reading...]